70’s wine trip
“The 70’s wine trip” is back for a 5th edition on FRIDAY 17 , 2021 Gathering…
Virginie and Frédéric Haut, 6th generation of winegrowers in the Domaine de la Tourade, strive to perpetuate this motto. Exclusively manual harvests and traditional winemaking are their priorities in order to offer you wines of a high quality and representative of the unique terroir of Montmirail lace.
Plots located on a clay-limestone soil in plains for the appellation Vacqueyras, in the high plain and hillsides for Gigondas and on the hillsides for the Muscat de Beaumes de Venise.
Manual harvest with the elimination of unhealthy grains, limited yield, ancestral winemaking principles, ageing in oak (old) lightning or in barrels for the Morgan cuvée, all this allows the elaboration of a quality wine.
“The 70’s wine trip” is back for a 5th edition on FRIDAY 17 , 2021 Gathering…
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